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The Smart and Sustainable Process Engineering And Research Lab


​스마트 지속가능 공정 엔지니어링 연구실

Parallel Lines

Who We Are

​저희 SPEAR Lab은 "스마트제조""탄소중립"이라는 두 트렌드에 발맞춰
산업계에서 필요로 하는 관련 공정 기술 해석과 개발 더 나아가서는

새로운 설비를 설계하는 엔지니어링 연구를 지향하고 있습니다.

Our endeavor toward "Smart Manufacturing" and "Carbon Neutral"
has contributed to the development of required process technologies.

We SPEAR Lab put our efforts on taking these to the next level
designing new facilities through our engineering approach.

Our Research

Smart Manufacturing:

Digital Twin for Steelmaking Process

Digital Twin is a first step toward smart manufacturing by digitalizing existing manufacturing processes. This allows the existing processes to be integrated with emerging technologies such as AI. In that sense, a Digital Twin for continuous casting of steel has been successfully developed through EU funded projects.
This technology provides a comprehensive tool for benchmarking casting powders as well as finding optimal operation ranges to improve the quality of cast products in contrast to costly trial-error tests in the plants.

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