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Please check our journal and conference publications

[1] Olia, H., Yang, H., Cho, S.M., Liang, M., Lipsa, D., and Thomas, B.G., 2021 “Pressure Distribution and Flow Rate Behavior in Continuous Casting Slide Gate System: PFSG”, Metall Mater Trans B 2022,

[2] Yang, H., Lopez, P.R., Vasallo, D.M., Cornille, M., Schulz, K., Hunt, A. and Stewart B., 2021, “Designing Non-Newtonian Mold Powders and Optimization of Process for Continuous Casting of Billet”, Steel Research International 2021, 2100379, DOI:

[3] Yang, H., Lopez, P.R. and Vasallo, D.M., 2021, “New Concepts for Prediction of Friction, Taper, and Evaluation of Powder Performance with an Advanced 3D Numerical Model for Continuous Casting of Steel Billets”, Metall Mater Trans B 52, 2760–2785 (2021).

[4] Yang, H., Olia, H. and Thomas, B. G., 2021, “Modeling Air Aspiration in Steel Continuous Casting Slide-Gate Nozzles”, Metals 2021, 11(1), 116, DOI: 10.3390/met11010116

[5] Yang, H., 2020, “A 1D analytical model for slag infiltration during continuous casting of steel under nonsinusoidal mold oscillation,” Metals 2020, 10(1), 1389, DOI:10.3390/met10101389

[6] Yang, H., Vanka S.P. and Thomas, B.G., 2018, “Mathematical Modeling of Multiphase Flow in Continuous Casting,” ISIJ International, Iron & Steel Inst. of Japan 59(6):956-972, DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT2018-743

[7] Yang, H., Vanka S. P. and Thomas, B. G., 2018, “Modeling Argon Gas Behavior in Continuous Casting of Steel,” JOM: the journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 70(10), DOI: 10.1007/s11837-018-2997- 7,

[8] Yang, H., and Massoudi, M., 2018, “Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer in a Dense Granular Suspension,” Applied Mathematics and Computation 332:351-362, DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2018.03.056

[9] Yang, H., Massoudi, M., and Kirwan, A. D., 2017, “Entropy Analysis for a Nonlinear Fluid with a Nonlinear Heat Flux Vector,” Entropy 19(12):689, DOI: 10.3390/e19120689

[10] Yang, H., Vanka, S. P., and Thomas, B. G., 2017, “A Hybrid Eulerian-Eulerian Discrete-Phase Model of Turbulent Bubbly Flow,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, 140(10), DOI: 10.1115/1.4039793

[11] Yang, H., Aubry, N. and Massoudi, M., 2013, “Heat Transfer in Granular Materials: Effects of Non-linear Heat Conduction and Viscous Dissipation,” Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 36 (2013), pp. 1947– 1964, DOI:

     Journal Publications     

[1] 양현진, Lopez, P.E.R., Eck, J., 2022, “Full-scale 액체금속 (Bi-Sn) 모델 을 이용한 연속주조 프로세스의 모사 및 해석”, 2022 대한금속 재료학회 추계학술대회, 제주도, 대한민국 (초청강연)

[2] Yang, H., Lopez, P.E.R., Vasallo, D. M., Cornille, M., Schulz, K., Hunt, A., and Stewart, B., 2021, “Effect of Shear-Thinning Behavior on Slag Entrapment and Mold Friction during Continuous Casting”, ECCC 2021, Bari, Italy.

[3] Yang, H., Lopez, P.E.R., Vasallo, D. M., Cornille, M., Schulz, K., Hunt, A., and Stewart, B., 2021,” Modeling Contact and Friction at the Mold-strand Gap through Lubrication and Contact Indexes”, SteelSIM 2021, Vienna, Austria.

[4] Yang, H., Lopez, P.E.R., Vasallo, D. M., Cornille, M., Schulz, K., Hunt, A., and Stewart, B., 2021, “Modeling Non-Newtonian Mold Powders for Continuous Casting of Steel”, MOLTEN 2021, Seoul, Korea.

[5] Yang, H., Kesavan, S., Vasallo, D.M., Cornille, M. and Lopez, P.R., 2019, “The Influence of Thermo-Physical Properties on Slag Entrainment During Continuous Casting of Steel in Billets and Slabs,” SteelSIM 2019, Toronto, Canada.

[6] Yang, H., Vanka S. P. and Thomas, B. G., 2017, “Modeling of argon gas behavior in continuous casting of steel,” TMS annual meeting 2018, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

[7] Yang, H., Vanka, S. P. and Thomas, B. G., 2017, “Hybrid Eulerian-Eulerian Discrete-Phase Model of Turbulent Bubbly Flow,” ASME Paper Number IMECE2017-70337, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, Tempa, FL, USA.

[8] Yang, H. and Thomas, B. G., 2017, “Multiphase flow and bubble size distribution in continuous casters using a hybrid EEDPM model,” STEELSIM 2017, Qingdao, China, Aug. 16-18, 2017, Paper No. 42.

[9] Yang, H., Aubry, N. and Massoudi, M., 2012, “Numerical solution to the heat transfer and flow of granular materials using a non-linear heat flux vector,” Society of Engineering Science 49th Annual Technical Meeting, Oct. 10-12, 2012, Georgia Institute of Technology, GA., USA.

[10] Yang, H., Aubry, N. and Massoudi, M., 2012 “Numerical study of a non-linear model for the heat flux vector for granular materials,” ASME Paper Number IMECE2012-86965, New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012., Austine, TX, USA.

     Presentation at International Conferences     

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